[Speex-dev] Help with files
a c
2015-11-10 23:29:23 UTC
Regards from Spain. Sorry if my english it's not good enough. I'm bad at it.

I'm an user of the Soundhound recognition music for Android. Due to a problem with my smartphone I lost the normal function of it and I had to reinstall the system. After that I can't access the files that that app stores until the ability to connect to the Internet. But I still have the files. I was unbale to play those files on the computer by any program that I have. I know that the files are/uses Speex because I look inside one and the header says Speex 1.2beta3. I downloaded it and when I run speexdec it says "This doesn't look like a Speex file".

I'm writing here because the support for that app didn't answer to me anything. I'm wondering if you can help me.

I also attach a file (it has no extension).

Thanks in advance.
